Préparation de haut niveau pour épreuve de 500 km
Le grand fond, étude Russe (2011) : Cf : Théorie et pratique du sport de haut niveau, in :
Auteurs : Eugene Kalinin, Sergey Dvoretsky, Viktor Seluyanov
Il est admis qu’un travail au seuil aérobie améliore les capacité d’effort aérobie. Seul ce mécanisme serait utile pour de très longues distances. Mais les fibres musculaires une fois saturées de mitochondries, il n’y a plus de progrès possible. La solution est d’augmenter la masse des fibres. Ce qui est démontré par cette étude où sont appliqués des exercices de renforcement plyométriques [statodinamicheskikh]. Pour les marcheurs, cela réside dans la puissance locale des fléchisseurs et extenseurs des pieds et des genoux.
Abréviations :
- SAe
- Seuil aérobie.
- SAn
- Seuil anaérobie.
Jour | Programme aérobie standard | Programme amélioré |
1 | 20 km SAe | Technique 30 mn |
30 x 150 m (vitesse SAn + 15-20 %) | ||
40 mn renforcement | ||
2 | Fartlek 10 x (1 km SAe + 1 km SAn) | Technique 25 mn |
10 km SAe | Séries sur 80 m | |
3 | 20 km SAe | Fartlek 6 x (2 km SAn + 1 km SAe) |
2 h renforcement | ||
4 | Repos | Repos |
5 | 10 x 1 km (SAe/SAn) pause 100 m | 1 h 1/2 sur home-trainer (SAe/SAn) |
15 km SAe, 4 x 200 m | Sprint : 40 x 60 m, vitesse SAn + 30% | |
6 | 30 km SAe | Fartlek 5 x (1 km SAe + 1 km SAn) |
Etirements 50 mn | ||
7 | Football 40 mn | 25 km (90% vitesse SAn) |
Le premier schéma (totalisant 150 km de marche par semaine) ne produisit pas d’amélioration. Le marcheur concerné abandonna dans Paris-Colmar au 150e km sur blessure.
Le second programme (100 km hebdomadaire) donna une amélioration (voir les tests physiologiques dans le document original). Celui qui en beneficiait termina vainqueur de Paris-Colmar.
Traduction sommaire
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PREPARATION OF ATHLETE OF SPORT WALKING TO HIGHER WORLD ACHIEVEMENT ON A DISTANCE OF 500 KM KALININ Eugene Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow Ph.D., Associate Research Fellow Institute of Sport E-mail: DVORETSKY Sergey Kuzbass State Technical University Senior Lecturer, Department of Physical Education, Master of Sport of Race Walking SELUYANOV Viktor Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), Moscow Ph.D., Professor. Honored Worker of Russia FC Keywords: physical training planning, extra-long walk. Summary. The author considers the problem of planning training loads for high class athlete in international competitions in the very long sport walk - 500km. Introduction. Training athletes in the cyclic forms of sport, soldiers to the foot passages, walkers for the extreme competitions on 500 km is built on the basis of hypothesis about the influence of function on the structure of organs. It is assumed that the fulfillment of work at the level of aerobic threshold ([AeP]) will contribute to an increase in the aerobic possibilities of athlete. Only this mechanism is necessary for the walker to the very long distances, since it is well known that the competing activity in stayers is carried out in the truly steady state, without which acidification of the muscles and blood However, aerobic processes continue in the oxidizing muscular fibers ([OMV]), and with the training in the course of the month they are completely saturated by mitochondria and further increase In [aeP] and anaerobic threshold ([AnP]) ceases But how to increase oxygen intake at the level Of [aeP] and [AnP]? The solution is obvious - it is necessary to increase mass [OMV], then together with an increase in the myofibrils grows the mass of mitochondria. Consequently, the hypothesis of pedagogical experiment will be assumption about the influence of power preparation on the endurance of walker (indices of oxygen intake at the level Of [aeP] and [AnP]). In the works [V].[N]. [Seluyanova] [5] was shown that the application of [statodinamicheskikh] exercises conducts to hypertrophy and increase in the force [OMV], therefore, at the basis of training walker it lies the power local training to the muscles - flexors and the extensors of foot, flexors and extensors of knee joint. In proportion to hypertrophy [OMV] and usual training of walker must occur an increase in the aerobic possibilities of athlete. Thus, by the purpose of a study is the comparison of the programs of planning training occupations according to the usual diagram (control) and the start in the training process of the local power exercises in the [statodinamicheskom] regime employing the procedure [V].[N]. Of [seluyanova] [5] and of interval high-speed- power trainings [5]. Methods of study. In the experiment participated the athlete, the master of sport on sport walking to the very long distances (mass of body 69 kgf, an increase in 178 cm), with the period of occupations as the selected form of the sport of 25 years. For determining the physical preparedness was conducted stepped test on the bicycle ergometer [MONARK] - 828E. Load was assigned from 5[N] and adhered on 5 N every 2 min. the rate of pedalling - 75 r/min test was carried out to the failure with the registration [CHSS], the intake of oxygen, isolation of carbon dioxide, pulmonary ventilation with the aid of the gas analyzer COSMED K4. The classification of training loads was carried out taking into account the lasting adaptive processes [of 3]. The intensity of exercise was considered, and it means, the probability of recruiting [OMV] and glycolytic muscular fibers ([GMV]), the duration of the operation of these muscular fibers (mV) was multiplied by the expert estimation of the effectiveness of this exercise, by hyperplasia of myofibrils and mitochondria (expert estimation it can vary in the limits from minus of one to plus of one). Multiplication of the operating time on the expert estimation of the usefulness of exercise gives the estimation of the good time of athlete during the trainings. Results of a study. Planning training loads to the experiment was carried out along the conventional system - fulfillment of the large volume of walking of predominantly aerobic directivity. Example of training micro-cycle in the control. Training began with limbering-up 3 km and concluded with hitch 2 km (speed Of [aeP]) the 1st day. Walking 20 km (speed Of [aeP]); I YELL 20 min. the 2nd day. Morning. [Fartlek] (1 km + of 1 km) of *10 of series (speed Of [aeP]/[AnP]) Evening. Walking with the start of leaps to the stops (speed Of [aeP]) - 10 km the 3rd day. Morning. Walking 20 km (speed Of [aeP]) the 4th day - leisure the 5th day. Morning. [Fartlek] (1 km + of 100 m) of *10 of series (speed Of [aeP]/[AnP]). Evening is walking 15 km (speed Of [aeP]); the leaps of 4*200 m the 6th day. Walking 30 km (speed Of [aeP]) the 7th day. Football 40 min. The total volume of loads was 150 km in the week. Table 1 presents the estimation of the effectiveness of the executed training loads. It is evident with the data analysis that the useful work for hyperplasia of myofibrils [OMV] is absent, for hyperplasia of the myofibrils [GMV] only of 3 min, for the mitochondria [GMV] of 11 min, for [dilyatatsii] of myocardium 515 min (see table 1). Micro-cycle of training walker in the preparatory period (experimental version) (table 1) Comparative analysis of the level of the physical preparedness of the athlete before and after of the execution of training program in the control (table 2) Comparative analysis of the level of the physical preparedness of the athlete before and after of the execution of training program in the experiment (table 3) It is evident from table 3 that the indices ([AeP], [AnP]), which reflect the level of special endurance, did not change. Consequently, athlete ran the ineffective program of preparation. The practical significance of the obtained results was confirmed in walking to the very long distance (500 km Paris- Kolmar), as a result athlete was taken by doctor because of the injury of talocrural joint after 150 km. The pedagogical experiment, directed toward the correction of the plan of preparation for sport walking for the very long distance, was carried out for the solution of this problem. The basic task of the micro-cycle of preparation in the experiment was an increase in the force [OMV] and the aerobic possibilities of muscles (power Of [aeP] and [AnP]), since cardiovascular system was not the limiting component in the level of preparedness. Basic accent in the training loads was made on the fulfillment of the exercises of local- power and high-speed- power directivity [2]. Micro-cycle of physical training in the experiment. Training began from the limbering-up to 3 km (speed Of [aeP]) and concluded with hitch 2 km (speed Of [aeP]) and with exercises to [stretching]. the 1st day. Morning. Exercises to the technology 30 min. evening. Interval sprint of 150[m] X of 30 times (speed higher than [AnP] by 15-20%). Power [statodinamicheskaya] training 30-40 min. the 2nd day. Morning. Exercises to the technology 25 min. evening. Leaps on the snow 150 m of 5*80 of leaps. the 3rd day. Morning. [Fartlek] (2 km + of 1 km) *6 of series (speed Of [aeP]/[AnP]). Evening. Power [statodinamicheskaya] training 2 h. the 4th day - leisure. the 5th day. Morning. [Velotrenirovka] (speed Of [aeP]/[AnP]) of 1,5 h. evening. Interval sprint of 60[m] of 40 times (speed higher than [AnP] by 30%). the 6th day. Morning. [Fartlek] (1 km + of 1 km) *5 of series (speed Of [aeP]/[AnP]). Evening. [Stretching] 50 min. 7 day. Tempo work 25 km (speed 90% [AnP]). The total volume of loads was 100 km in the week. It is evident from table 2 that for hyperplasia of myofibrils [OMV] the athlete carried out 140 min useful work, for hyperplasia of myofibrils [GMV] - 132 min, for hyperplasia of mitochondria [GMV] - 392 min, for [dilyatatsii] of myocardium - 570 min. After the completion of pedagogical experiment was carried out stage testing (table 4). It is evident from table 4 that after the fulfillment of the experimental version of training athlete an increase in oxygen intake at the level occurred: [AeP] 2,3 times, [AnP] 1,5 times, [MPK] to 11%. Conclusion The application of an innovation procedure of planning training loads with the application of biologically expedient methods of the checking of physical state made it possible to develop the individualized program of the physical training of athlete for walking to the very long distance - 500 km, which as a result led to an increase in the level of the aerobic preparedness of muscles. Athlete showed high world reaching during entire history of conducting competitions in walking to the very long distance - (500 km Paris- Kolmar) and was engaged the 1st place with the result of 52 h of 43 min, after outdistancing a participant in that occupied the 2nd place, on 40 min.